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Go in in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+22Posted:2017-05-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: come inenterget inget intogo intomove intoSimilar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingMeaning: v. to come or go into. 
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121 Leeds scored through Wallace with 7 minutes to go in an evenly matched game.
122 Anyway, I've got to go in and snoop around a bit.
123 The important people in our lives leave imprints. they may die or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. Jules Renard 
124 Your mammy here had to go in there in the morning and speak nice to him.
125 I wish Marie was here - we could go in and have a meal together.
126 You sometimes see volleys go in like it ... but never a dead ball situation.
127 We sit down and talk about what has to be done,( the general direction we want to go in.
128 Then I see you go in again, this time in real bad company.
129 When Harry and Kate make love, which is frequently, they go in for lots of lighted candles.
130 Evans scored with only two minutes to go in the game.
131 Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males.
132 Those who go in for character assassination create human conflicts and can easily end up as victims.
133 An inept clearance by Wright, who was in the left-back position[], gave Celtic an unexpected opportunity to go in front.
134 Barak gave specific instructions that I was to go in alone.
135 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield, I did not go in for a while.
136 The first was the discovery that parasites can control populations and cause them to go in cycles.
137 Isabel, an aspiring photographer, turns her considerable charm on the boyish Alex to let her go in ahead of him.
138 The young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings.
139 Where else can you go in your sweats and be served orange-flavored beef by waiters in black tie?
140 Adam, as a child, had been strictly forbidden ever to go in there.
141 She lets the ball go in a long arc, pushing from the wrist.
142 She switches the light on in her room, and I go in and sit straight down on the chair.
143 Do you need to provide a written contract for them - and what should go in it?
144 Each night, I went to bed praying that I would not let go in my own sleep.
145 They was at the gate, so we couldn't go in.
146 They go in and put out the fire, no matter where it is.
147 When there was nowhere to go in that infernally small space, one could always swivel in the other direction.
148 I was right - there's a caff there, so I go in.
149 Jud, John and I tend not to go in with all of these preconceived notions.
150 When you go in and out, you feel like somebody is holding a stick....
More similar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingkeep goinggoing concerngo into hidinggoitergoitreegoistegoismjingoismegoisticcooking oiljingoisticdo injoinloincoinpointgroinjointheroinquoinCOINSrejoin
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